Email: jmarquis@chccs.k12.nc.us
Jennifer Marquis
Exploring Family and Consumer Science (FCS)
Grade: 6
Course length: Semester
Students will explore units of study that involve understanding self and others, personal finance, basic food preparation and working in the kitchen, how to manage and complete a basic sewing project, and finding ways to connect to future career possibilities.
Understanding Nutrition and Wellness
Grade 7 and Grade 8
Course length: Semester
(During the “A” year cycle the focus is Understanding Nutrition and Wellness. “Students will develop a rich understanding of how nutrients work in their bodies and how to make healthy food choices. Fundamentals of working in the kitchen, including how to use recipes, culinary vocabulary, and experience with essential kitchen equipment will boost confidence in the kitchen. Kitchen safety and food sanitation will be taught, practiced, and connected to future employment in the food service industry.”
(FCS - “B” year cycle)
Understanding Apparel and Interior Design
Grade: 7 and Grade 8
Course length: Semester
Students in 7th and 8th grade are offered courses that focus on one of the units of study. During the coming 2021-2022 school year (“B” year cycle), the focus will be Understanding Apparel and Interior Design. Students in Apparel and Interior Design will focus on the Elements and Principles of Design (which will apply to both textiles/clothing and interior design), learn and practice hand-sewing techniques, develop knowledge and skill in the use of a sewing machine, learn to manage a basic sewing project, become more fluent in sewing terms and learn to follow written instructions and diagrams to complete projects, and delve into clothing choices and how they are related to meeting human needs and expression.
~Elie Ndahiriwe, Phillips Middle School
~Anna Grabowski, Phillips Middle School
Email: lorenzo.davis@chccs.k12.nc.us
Lorenzo Davis
Computer Skills 6
Grade: 6
Course length: Semester
This course will cover the basics of Computer Skills and Applications. In this course students will learn invaluable skills they will use for a lifetime. In 6th grade the course will cover keyboarding technique, file management, and basic word processing. In the 7th grade students will learn Advanced Word Processing, Basic Spreadsheets, and how to use presentation software and present professionally. In the 8th grade students will learn advanced applications; advanced spreadsheets, databases, and desktop publishing. All grades will have an overview of digital literacy teaching them how to be safe and smart when navigating a computer and the Internet.
Computer Skills 7
Grade: 7
Course length: Semester
This course will cover the basics of Computer Skills and Applications. In this course students will learn invaluable skills they will use for a lifetime. In 6th grade the course will cover keyboarding technique, file management, and basic word processing. In the 7th grade students will learn advanced word processing, basic spreadsheets, and how to use presentation software and present professionally. In the 8th grade students will learn advanced applications; advanced spreadsheets, databases, and desktop publishing. All grades will have an overview of digital literacy teaching them how to be safe and smart when navigating a computer and the Internet.
Exploring Business
Grade: 7
Course length: Semester
This course will introduce students to the Basics of Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship. This course will explore our global economic systems, business and career activities, requirements for seeking, gaining, and maintaining employment, as well as leadership and team building. Students can expect to create resumes, write a business plan, build leadership skills and much more!
Computer Science Discoveries
Grade: 7
Course length: Semester
This highly interactive and collaborative course is an introduction to the field of computer science. Students will learn how to create and share the content on your own web pages and you’ll build coding experience as you program animations, interactive art, and games in Game Lab.
Computer Skills 8
Grade: 8
Course length: Semester
This course will cover the basics of Computer Skills and Applications. In this course students will learn invaluable skills they will use for a lifetime. In 6th grade the course will cover keyboarding technique, file management, and basic word processing. In the 7th grade students will learn advanced word processing, basic spreadsheets, and how to use presentation software and present professionally. In the 8th grade students will learn advanced applications; advanced spreadsheets, databases, and desktop publishing. All grades will have an overview of digital literacy teaching them how to be safe and smart when navigating a computer and the Internet. This class will also introduce students to SWIFT Playground &/or other coding skills.
Exploring Business
Grade: 8
Course length: Semester
This course will introduce students to the Basics of Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship. This course will explore our global economic systems, business and career activities, requirements for seeking, gaining, and maintaining employment, as well as leadership and team building. Students can expect to create resumes, write a business plan, build leadership skills and much more!
Email: devaronprice@chccs.k12.nc.us
Devaron Price
Click here for Class Website
Click here for Class Twitter Page
Exploring Technology
Grade: 6
Course length: Semester
This course focuses on applying the design process in the invention or innovation of a new product, process or system. Through engaging activities and hands-on projects, students focus on understanding how criteria, constraints and processes affect designs. Emphasis is placed on brainstorming, visualizing, modeling, testing and refining designs. Students develop skills in researching information, communicating design information, and reporting results.
Exploring Engineering & Design and Design & Creativity
Grade: 7
Course length: Semester
This course focuses on applying the engineering design process in order to solve a problem through construction of a new product, process or system. Through engaging activities and hands-on projects, students focus on understanding how criteria, constraints and processes affect designs. Emphasis is placed on brainstorming, visualizing, modeling, testing and refining designs. Students develop skills in researching information, communicating design information, and reporting results.
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Design & Modeling
Grade: 8
Course length: Semester
Design and Modeling (DM) provides students opportunities to apply the design process to creatively solve problems. Students are introduced to the unit problem in the first activity and are asked to make connections to the problem throughout the lessons in the unit. Students learn and utilize methods for communicating design ideas through sketches, solid models, and mathematical models. Students will understand how models can be simulated to represent an authentic situation and generate data for further analysis and observations. Students work in teams to identify design requirements, research the topic, and engage stakeholders. Teams design a toy or game for a child with cerebral palsy, fabricate and test it, and make necessary modifications to optimize the design solution.
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Automation & Robotics
Grade: 8
Course length: Semester
Students trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems, Students use the VEX Robotics platform to design, build, and program real-world objects such as traffic lights, toll booths, and robotic arms.
This course will feed into the PLTW Introduction to Engineering (IED) course at East Chapel Hill High School.