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Reading Resources

Our students have access to a wide variety of resources in our school, community, and state. Be sure to take advantage of all we have to offer!

Sora image

Find electronic books and audiobooks on our Sora App. Listen or read on your phone or any device. Link to your public library account to have access to even more books!

Comic Plus Access

Get access to manga and graphic novels online on Comics Plus!

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with Google using your school email address.
  3. Select 'continue' and read as much as you want!

You can also download the Comics Plus App on your device or smartphone.

  1. Search for Phillips MS NC
  2. Sign in with Google and your school email address
  3. Enter your email password

Chapel Hill Public Library logo

Chapel Hill Public Library

  1. Go to the Chapel Hill Public Library website
  2. Your username is your school student ID number
  3. The password is the month and date of your birthday in the format MMxDD (example 03x16)

NoveList K-8 Plus Database for book recommedations

The NoveList K-8 database is a great resource for finding your next book. Search by genre, author, or read-alikes to find your next great read. Access it through NCEdCloud and the Ebsco widget.

Summer Reading Recommendations

Check out these book recommendations from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Middle School Librarians.

Orange County Public library logo

Orange County Public Library

  1. Go to the Orange County Public Library website
  2. Your username is your school student ID number
  3. The password is the month and date of your birthday MonthxDate (example 03x16)

Check out these online Resources for quality book reviews and recommendations.

YALSA's The Hub - Your Connection to Teen Collections

The Brown Bookshelf

American Indians in Children's Literature

Flyleaf Books Rainbow

Looking for audiobooks to buy? Buy from Flyleaf Books, our local independent bookseller.