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Our History

Guy B. Phillips Middle School was opened in September of 1963. A new wing with a spacious library/media center, computer labs and video classroom was opened in 1992. The school first opened as a junior high school. Chapel Hill Junior High School was the parent school of Guy B. Phillips Junior High. It was housed in a school building built in the 1920s on Franklin Street where University Square is now. The first year book stated, 

"Every child, parent and teacher in the Chapel Hill School System can look with pride to Guy B. Phillips Junior High School. It is the result of a strong community desire to provide the very best educational opportunities for our youth. Our community has grown to the size that it can support separate facilities for a comprehensive junior high school. 

This modern plan has made possible an expanded, balanced curriculum for the young adolescents it serves. It will have achieved its educational purpose if every youngster attending it is afforded the opportunity to develop his potential."

The Chapel Hill City Board of Education, 1963
Grey Culbreth, Chairman
Ewin W. Tenney, Jr., Vice-Chairman 
Ben E. Perry, Dr. Fred W. Ellis, Dr. Richard R. Peters, Rev. J.R. Manley, Mrs. Ross E. Scroggs
Dr. Howard E. Thompson, Superintendent